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Summer camp gay xxx story

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What if someone comes in? What if someone else has to shower now? What if I get a boner? They’ll find out, that I’m closeted. It’s literally 100 meters away.” “But, Beth, the showers are open there! They’re designed to be used with swimsuits!” “Don’t worry about it. You can shower.” Shower? The staff building, where the showers are, is a long hike away. Can’t I wait till tomorrow morning?” “Sorry. Martha, the camp director, had instituted this after the health inspector warned the camp about health issues. “Why?” “Well, as you know, everyone at the camp has to touch water once a day.” I had forgotten about that. “Hey, Matt, did you swim today?” “No,” I reply truthfully. It was all going pretty well.Īs I was digging around the wood pile for a nice big log to throw on, Beth approached me.

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My mates Andrew and Logan were singing some classic songs to entertain the crowd. Everything was going well, I was in charge of keeping the fire stoked. The staff put the CIT’s in charge of everything: Tending to the fire, keeping the campers in line, and, of course, songs and skits. Our campsite, Big Oak, was having a campfire with another campsite, Maple leaf. Now that you’re filled in, let the story begin! I happened to be staying at the same campsite as Beth.

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Anyway, there were two staff members in charge of Counselors in training (CITs): Rodney, and Beth.

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